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Your recovery and return to work:

Returning to work (WorkSafe Victoria)
Information about returning to work, especially on planning, your obligations and those of your employer.
CHOICE by Sally Gibbins
A personal experience and philosophy for achieving a quick recovery.
Managing sickness absence and return to work - a practical guide for safety representatives (UK health and safety executive)
Sick leave and getting back to work after an injury - the importance of staying active and returning early.
Off work sick and worried about your job? Steps you can take to help your return to work (UK health and safety executive)
Practical advice on getting back to work quickly and safely
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Dealing with pain and disability:

Evidence based management of acute musculoskeletal pain
A scientific summary of treatment of new musculoskeletal problems - see the patient information sheets for download on back, neck, shoulder and knee pain
Managing Acute Pain - A guide for patients (Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists)
Discusses the importance of proper pain management and the pros and cons of the different types of pain treatments.
Arthritis Australia
Arthritis Australia provides brochures, fact sheets and resources on various conditions and treatments.

American Chronic Pain Association
Support and resources for people living with long term pain
An occupational physician answers questions submitted by the public
Advice for people with an illness or injury about 'getting back in the saddle'
Chronic Pain Management – Overcoming anxiety, depression and anger (Anxiety Treatment Australia)
Discusses the effect chronic pain can have on a person and techniques to overcome them.
Action on pain! (UK)
Information about chronic pain, how to manage it, the lack of services and funding available, and how to raise awareness of the problem.
Disability Lifestyles - Ways of coping (Centre of National Research on Disability and Rehabilitation Medicine - University of Queensland)
This site provides information about coping with restrictive conditions. Although the author uses severe injuries as examples, these tips are relevant to any injury that changes your work, home or social life.
Feeling stressed? Irritable? Unsure about your priorities? A free interactive program that helps you to learn about your thoughts and feelings.
Weight Watchers Science Centre (Weight Watchers)
This site features articles on maintaining a healthy weight from the physical to the psychological factors and news on scientific findings. 
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Information on back and neck pain:

Working Backs Scotland - Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently asked questions about back pain
Back in work - managing back pain in the workplace (UK Health and Safety Executive)
How to manage back pain at work, especially in small business
Whiplash injury recovery - A self management guide
A booklet that aims to assist persons with a whiplash injury on the road to recovery

Indahl interview on back pain
World leading researcher talks about the advice he gives back pain patients.  Quicktime is needed to view this 20 minute video.  Click on the link provided if you need to download Quicktime.  
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Mental health, stress and depression:

Beyond Blue – The National Depression Initiative (Australia)
Information on symptoms of depression and anxiety and where to get help.
Getting back to work - SANE factsheet
Getting back to work with a mental illness
Anxiety (American psychiatric foundation)
Information on anxiety disorders - medical illness that can have serious effects.
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Getting the best out of your treatment:

Questions are the answer: Get more involved in your health care (US Department of health & human services)
This site gives patients tips on how to get the most out of their health care, including preparing for appointments, building your own list of questions to ask and tips on preventing medical errors.
Having Surgery? What you need to know (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality – USA)
A booklet providing information on the basic facts and questions to ask your doctor or surgeon before surgery.
Talking to your doctor about pain
Seeing a doctor about pain? This article gives some information on how to get the most out of the consultation.
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How to make your computer workstation fit you (Work Safe B.C. - Canada)
How to arrange your computer workstation so it works for your. Including information on layout, lighting and posture.
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Exercise information:

Choose health: be active (Australian Government - Department of health and ageing)
A physical activity guide for older people. Also useful for people recovering from an injury or illness
Fit for Work - Exercises for the office (New Zealand Society of Physiotherapists Occupational Health Physiotherapy Group)
Exercises you can do in the office
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Medical information sites:

The Better Health Channel
Information on all aspects of good health: fact sheets and advice.
Consumer Medicine Information (CMI) (MyDr) 
Search tool for all consumer information available on medications includes side effects.
Health Insite (an Australian government initiative)
Information on a wide range of health topics and particular conditions
eOrthopod (Medical MultiMedia Group)
Clear, accurate, understandable information about your orthopedic condition. Includes patient guides and FAQ’s .

MayoClinic (Tools for healthier lives)
Information on conditions, medications, treatments and healthy living
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Other help:

Information about "adaptive technology," which makes computers accessible to those with disabilities
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Research, projects and studies:

The Work Foundation (UK)
A not-for-profit organisation that brings all sides of working organisations together to find the best ways of improving both economic performance and quality of working life.
The Institute for Work & Health (Canada)
This organisation provides research information on injury prevention, return to work, clinical practice and compensation.
National Institute of Disability Management and Research (Canada)
An education, training and research organization with the primary focus on the implementation of work-place based reintegration programs developed from international research.
The WORC Project – Valuing Employee Health (University of Queensland)
This project aims at identifying employees with symptoms of depression and encouraging them to seek advice from a mental health professional.
The Cochrane Collaboration Library (International)
Systematic reviews of the effects of healthcare interventions.
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