RTW Knowledge Base
RTW Knowledge Base
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  The issues

  1. Being way from work for long periods is a significant health risk. 
  2. People with compensation claims have worse health outcomes than those who have the same condition without compensation.  
Both require action to change. This website provides information and resources to help improve outcomes.

The information on this site is designed for employees and their families, RTW coordinators and managers, supervisors, human resource staff, senior managers, claims and injury managers, treating practitioners including doctors and physiotherapists, unions, rehabilitation professionals and policy makers. 

For further information on this site please contact admin@rtwmatters.org

The Return To Work Knowledge Base is sponsored by: RTWMatters Limited 

  Research and Resources on Return to Work

This site is designed to help with return to work.  The information is evidence based and encourages best practice and cooperation.  It includes:
  1. Research papers translated into plain language. The articles can be browsed in interest group collections - employee, employer etc. Alternatively all articles can be seen via the 'View all Articles' tab.  On the summary pages the article title is the link to the full text.  A search facility is available on all pages.
  2. Resources - links to useful information on work disability such as patient handouts, work disability reports, treatment guidelines.  The link to the Resources Page for each group is at the top of the left navigation menu on the summary pages.

The site is designed to inform the reader and to encourage sharing of information with others.

Further information, details on navigating the site and how to share information with others is in the article on how to use this site.

The Return To Work Knowledge base is endorsed by the Australasian Faculty of Occupational and Environmental Medicine.
Research Treater Employer Employee